Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In 24 hours

we will be leaving our home for the airport. After this long wait, it just doesn't seem real that we are only days away from meeting our son.

We have our bags packed, 9 in all, including 4 bags of donations for the care center and AHOPE orphanage.

I will try to post updates to the blog via my sister and email while we are in Ethiopia.

Please pray for our health and safety.

"...for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard." Isaiah 52-12
Thank you to family and friends for covering us with prayer during this journey. We believe prayer has given us strength, helped us be at peace and has helped us be less fearful. We have witnessed over and over again through this journey the power of prayer. We are so ready for this trip and we attribute our readiness to the peace we get when we leave it in God's loving care.


Katie said...

how exciting!!!! I can't wait to see pictures and get updates. Take more pictures than you think you'll ever want. I wish we had more! We'll pray for you all-

Erin said...

Praying for you!!! Can't wait to see pictures!