Monday, May 3, 2010

Journey Celebration

We celebrated Lauren's Confirmation yesterday. Our church calls it "The Journey" instead of confirmation, which basically involves the same course work and steps it takes to be "confirmed" on Confirmation Sunday but 'Journey' better describes the process. Getting to know Christ and growing in your faith is a life long journey. Their salvation is not guaranteed or 'confirmed' on Confirmation Sunday. It's recognizing where they are at in their faith walk and encouraging them to continue on their journey. Each child being confimed prepares and reads a statement of their faith journey to the congregation. It's a very courageous step and so touching to hear each of their hearts.

Lauren does have a relationship with the Lord. She recommitted her life to Christ 2 years ago at a Bible camp. She talked about a few experiences in her life since that time that have strengthened her faith, including her transition from a private school to a public and Samson's adoption.

Lauren's Journey class and teachers:

A good friend of Lauren's who is walking this journey with her:

Another good friend since the nursery days:

Not only did Lauren have to prepare and read her testimony of faith, but she also played "By Your Side" by 10th Avenue North on her violin (part of my playlist at the bottom). She did a beautiful job!

My dad with the two little ones - they love to be held by grandpa!

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