Wednesday, April 15, 2009

HaPPy BirTHdaY AVERY!!!!

Our sweet Avery is SIX today!!

Just a few facts about our girl:

  • She has a smile permanently planted on her face about 95% of the time, even when she is sleeping!
  • She loves music and would play CDs all day long if she could. She will try to play songs by ear on the piano.
  • She gets carried around a lot! All she has to do is raise her arms in the air and there is always someone who can't resist picking her up.
  • She has a beautiful voice and loves to sing!
  • She is easy going and easy to please.
  • She loves posing for pictures.
  • She remembers people's names, their siblings, parents and last names too. We will be sitting in church, someone will walk in and she will say, there is so and so. I barely know so and so! Her memory amazes me. After the first few weeks of school, she could name the first and last names of each child in her class.
  • She loves to snuggle, hug and kiss!
  • She is a girly girl. She loves to dress up, wear makeup, jewelry and hair accessories.
  • She gets mommy all to herself on Tuesdays. She loves to put puzzles together, help with laundry, help in the kitchen and play outside.
  • On Thursdays, while mommy is at Bible Study, she gets time with her Grandparent's where she will play store, dress up and make cookies.
  • She knows how to get what she wants. There is something about her sweet personality that is so irresistable.

Funny stories:

Yesterday during the girls' violin lessons, I sent Avery and Olivia to den of our teacher's house to read a book. When I went to retrieve Olivia for her lesson, they were watching TV. It was on a commercial and Olivia jumped up and turned it off. Avery asked to turn it back on because she was right in the middle of a show. I asked what show she was watching and she said, she was watching the Dr Phil show! She said, "it is really good mommy - he's talking about people on drugs and stuff like that." Huh!!??! I thought, Oh no!! My baby now knows about drugs!!!" I of course had a little talk with both Olivia and Avery.

She loves American Idol (a family favorite) and offers her opinions. She will make comments like, "Paula, get some clothes on!" "Danny's on, shh, I want to hear him." "Adam has fingernail polish on?! Huh?!" Oh, by the way, she knows each judge and contestant by name. I can never remember the new judge's name but she could tell you.

Today Avery brought cookies to school. She told me that she had enough extras to give to all the teachers in the school. But she didn't give any to the janitor or the cooks because their hands are too dirty.

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